Evaluation of Water and Wastewater Company Performance by Using Balanced Scorecard Model )Case Study: West Azarbayjan Water and Wastewater Company(

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assist. Prof., Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran

2 MSc Student, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran


Comprehensive evaluation of organization performance is one of the most powerful tools for decision making. It helps managers to gain necessary information about the status of their organization. One of the most widely welcomed models in this regard is the Balanced Scorecard Model which provides comprehensive evaluation for various aspects in the Water and Wastewater Corporation. The present study was a descriptive-applied research in terms of objectives. The objectives included selecting a comprehensive evaluation pattern, recognizing and ranking the indexes and main sub-standards for evaluating the comprehensive performance with BSC model denoting various parts in water and wastewater corporations. The model was used in West Azarbayjan province water and wastewater company as a pilot. Data collection was based on the library and field study via 3 types of questionnaires and interview with staff, financial staff, and by the customers of the given company. Based on the correlation and regression coefficients, the mean variables test and the fuzzy method showed that the BSC fields are in the order of priority in the performance of the mentioned company. These included internal processes, learning and growth, and customer and financial perspective. In the regression dependent variable model, the performance of the company and independent variables included various variables in fields of the balanced scorecards, and the result showed that the most effective factors on the company performance were decreasing the unnecessary costs, increasing and developing new facilities, finding new custumers, providing infrastructures, and organizational resources through learning, increasing customer satisfaction, enhancing the efficiency and quality of the internal processes.


Main Subjects

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