Experimental Investigation of Relative Radius on Flow Pattern around a T shape Spur Dike in 90 Degree Bend with Rigid Bed

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tarbiar modares uiversity

2 persian gulf uneversity

3 tarbiat modares university, water eng. institute


Bank protection because of scouring caused by flow in bend is important because it has been observed in bend we encounter more scouring in outer bend. Experimental studies that conduct until now were about scouring around bank protection structures and less study were conducted about flow pattern around transverse structures with rivers. So in this study effects of relative radius on flow behavior and flow pattern formed around a T shape spur dike located in 45 degree in a 90 degree bend for three relative radius R/B=2, 3 and 4 that cover a range of mild to rapid bends was investigated. Results show that flow pattern formed around a T shape spur dike is accompanied with two counter clockwise vortexes at upstream and downstream of spur dike. Also increasing in relative radius cause increasing in length of separation zone, upstream vortex and deceasing in width of separation zone, length of circulation zone and downstream vortex.



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