Recognition and Spatial Mapping of Multivariate Groundwater Quality Index using Combined Fuzzy Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Water Resources, Dept. of Civil Eng., Tehran University

2 Assoc. Prof. of Civil Eng., Dept. of Civil Eng., Sharif University of Tech., Tehran

3 Grad. Ph.D. of Civil and Water Eng., Dept. of Eng., Tehran University, Tehran

4 M.Sc. of Water Resources Management, Tehran Regional Water Company, Tehran


Methods for evaluatingthe quality of groundwater resources and recognition of appropriate locations for urban and agricultural water demand has been known as an important item in water resources planning. The main focus of this paper has been addressed a new water quality mapping based on coupling of fuzzy approximation and water quality indexing. In this paper, after indexing water quality in each monitoring well, based on fuzzy reasoning a new global fuzzy indexing has been presented. In this regard, 12 water quality parameters for 217 monitoring wells in the province of Ghazvin in the north have been used. In the final step, map of fuzzy evaluation over the area of interest has been provided based on an optimized new spatial approximation via Genetic Algorithm (GA). The results showed the capability of the proposed methodology for groundwater quality mapping. The most important contribution of this paper is successful combination of fuzzy reasoning and water quality indexing as a continuous function for evaluating groundwater quality mapping.


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