The Necessity of Water and Food Resources Relations in Statistics Presentation with the Water-Food Nexus Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Graduate of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Prof., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assist. Prof. and Faculty Member, Energy Research Institute, Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran


In the goals of the United Nations for the sustainable development of societies in the third millennium, the approach of water and food nexus is considered one of the important interdisciplinary perspectives in the direction of the dynamic balance of production and consumption of resources. Due to the consumption of more than 90% of the country's water resources in the agricultural sector, access to accurate statistics of this field is vitally important in creating a balance between water production and consumption in the water-food nexus approach. In such a way, the presentation of incorrect statistics or statistics with many errors, especially by official authorities, by entering into different models developed by researchers, will lead to distorted results, wrong decisions and ultimately economic and environmental damages and social tensions. In this research, with the approach of using the connections of ecosystems, water-food nexus was investigated; Thus, the correlation between the presented statistics of the production sector and the water consumption sector was analyzed by using water-food nexus with the method of uncomplicated calculations. Based on the information, the inconsisitency of the statistics provided by different departments is evident. According to the statistics of crop production in 2014-2015 and 2019-2020, the undercultivated area in the agricultural sector in 2019-2020 has grown by about 1% compared to 2014-2015, and in 13 provinces the undercultivated area has increased and in other provinces the undercultivated area in the agricultural sector has decreased. Water consumption in the agricultural sector has grown by about 10%, so that in 23 provinces, water consumption in the agricultural sector has increased and in 8 provinces, water consumption in the agricultural sector has decreased. This difference is due to the change in the cultivation pattern and the crop selected by farmers in the country. Also, according to the amount of programmable water that has been announced by the Ministry of Energy, in 12 provinces, the amount of programmable water is not enough to meet the Pure water consumption for crops, and even in some provinces, the amount of programmable water is only enough to supply garden products. This important and basic finding implies and emphasizes the need to solve the problems of statistics of different authorities of the country.


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