Using AHP for Selecting the Best Wastewater Treatment Process

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Environmental Eng., Dept. of Environmental Eng., University of Tehran

2 Assoc. Prof. of Environmental Eng., Dept. of Environmental Eng., University of Tehran

3 Assoc. Prof. of Environmental Eng., Institute of Water and Energy, Sharif University of Tech., Tehran

4 Prof., Dept. of Environmental Eng., University of Tehran

5 Prof., Dept. of Industrial Eng., University of Tehran


In this paper, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method that is based on expert knowledge is used for the selection of the optimal anaerobic wastewater treatment process in industrial estates. This method can be applied for complicated multi-criteria decision making to obtain reasonable results. The different anaerobic processes employed in Iranian industrial estates consist of UASB, UAFB, ABR, Contact process, and Anaerobic Lagoons. Based on the general conditions in wastewater treatment plants in industrial estates and on expert judgments and using technical, economic, environmental, and administrative criteria, the processes are weighted and the results obtained are assessed using the Expert Choice Software. Finally, the five processes investigated are ranked as 1 to 5 in a descending order of UAFB, ABR, UASB, Anaerobic Lagoon, and Contact Process. Sensitivity analysis showing the effects of input parameters on changes in the results was applied for technical, economic, environmental, and administrative criteria.


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